The Stain on Forced Labor on Nike Shoes

Posted by Alivia Confessore.

The Stain on forced labor on Nike Shoes- Extra Credit Blog Post 1
The article “The China Challenge: The Stain of forced Labor on Nike Shows”, by Amelia Pang, is about how Nike’s shoe factory is forcing young women and child to work. Nikes largest shoe supplier factory is owned by south kora in Taekwang, 8 million pairs of shoes are produced a year. It has partnered with the chinses government forced labor programs, which is why young women and children are being forced to work in the factories.

Theses programs are linked to crimes against humanity. One of the programs takes Turkic residents and forces them to leave behind their children and families to work in factories across China. Victims can’t even return home after finishing their work in the factories as the government relocated them. After arriving to the factors and working all day making shoes, they have to attend a “military style management” classes at night for “patriotic education”.

Nike has claimed they don’t use forced labor anymore. After multiple reports of the way theses factories are ran and how connected they are with Nike, do we believe their statement? In the article it states, “When I asked Nike to provide a general description of its new auditing protocol, its communications department declined to provide any comment beyond a link to a vague statement on its website”(Pang). Nike declining to comment on this issue is suspicious and make me believe this situation is still going on.

Alivia is a business administration major with a minor in criminal justice at the Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, Class of 2025.

Works Cited
Pang, amelia. “The China Challenge: The Stain of Forced Labor on Nike Shoes.”, 5 Jan. 2022,