Posted by Alexa Pennino.
This Fox News article covers the backlash that PwC received or how they decided to announce and handle their application process. PwC stands for PricewaterhouseCoopers which is one of the largest accounting firms in the world. They are known for their valuable and trustworthy services in the business world. This article goes into detail about the controversy surrounding the company as they released their invitation for college students to begin applying for jobs at this company. As the company tries to seek out excelling college students that would be a great match for their company, they encourage “any array of racial backgrounds to apply but leaves out Caucasian people and East Asians” (Fox Business).
It is clear that the company is favoring specific races over the others. According to PwC, their application process is “grounded in data and accountability, supports measurable progress and helps create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered” (Fox Business). When this was released, Fox Business questioned them, and for a while they did not reply because clearly what they said raises a lot of questions. It is admirable that PwC wants to create more accessible opportunities for those of different races, but what does not quite make sense is how they fail to mention Caucasians and East Asians. After the Black Lives Matter riots that happened back in 2020, race based programs became very safe places for those who work at large corporations. These programs are the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. Although these programs have been set in motion to help people, they are being questioned because now companies overcompensate for people who are of color, and they treat them differently than Caucasian or East Asian people.
As an accounting major, I am nervous to begin my career in an industry like this. Hearing about this only raises concerns because as they’re trying to do something that might benefit a certain group of people, they are also hurting another. Not only am I an accounting major, but I am also Mexican. If I were in this position right now, I would not want any handouts from anyone. I believe that companies should not ask your race or ethnicity, therefore everyone has a fair chance. Personally, I would not want any extra help from anyone to get a job. If I am going to get a job, I want it to be on my own merit and because I genuinely deserve it. Even though this process gives more people more opportunities, it also takes them away from other people. This article is extremely informative as it brings awareness to a massive issue in the business industry.
Alexa is an accounting major at the Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, Class of 2028.