Posted by Natasha Dizon.
Today, technology is very advanced with data that can be accessed and tampered with and though a simple passcode or a touch of a finger, your phone can be opened. Smartphones are something that everyone has these days. iPhones have iOS 8 and it can be hacked into through “backdoors.”
Recently, Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik are two residents of California who are being investigated by the FBI. They are suspects for being in contact with the Islamic State. They are also suspects in assisting the shooting that took the lives of 14 innocent people and injuring 22 others. Farook was suspected of using his iPhone 5C to get in contact with other terrorists. Therefore, investigators want to tap into his phone, and unlock the data. The couple died in a shootout with the police. The FBI believes that they were part of terrorism.
In my opinion, yes I think that it is wrong to hack someone’s phone without their permission. Apple has a point where if they do it for them, the company would be pressured or expected to do the same for everyone. By doing that, the whole protection and lock screen code would be completely pointless. But in this certain circumstance, I would agree that the phone should be unlocked only because the lives of millions of people are in danger. If the people are being suspected of murder and terrorism, the right of privacy should not an option.
Natasha is an accounting major at the Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University.
Posted by Joseph Papandrea.
All different opinions are being thrown around in this case between Apple and the Federal Government. Syed Farook’s phone is what the Federal Government wants to access, due to his previous activity. Farrook killed 14 people during the San Bernardino attack. His relations to ISIS is why the government wants to access his phone. The judge decided to side with Apple in not letting the Fed’s access Farrok’s phone. Apple’s argument not to unlock this phone is because it affects everyone who owns iPhones. “Apple’s lawyers argue that the government’s demands would ultimately make iPhones less safe”(Riley). Apple being able to unlock this phone would make it less safe because phones could fall into the wrong hands. Apple in the past has helped the law enforcement in a drug dealer case. In this case it is much more serious and dangerous for society. Judge James Orenstein says there is no way he can force Apple to hack and access the phone.
The Federal Government holding this phone and stressing about this case does not make sense. There has to be a way the government can hack into the phone themselves, but do not want to reveal that power. If they are able to do that without the help of Apple that could also put a lot of people in danger.
Both Apple and the Federal Government are making a lot of things difficult. Apple was faced with a big decision about whether they were going to help access Farrok’s phone. If Apple accesses the phone, it can help the government in many ways. Their view on it though is that it affects every iPhone owner. Apple’s power to access one phone will give the government access all. A lot of people would side with Apple for fear of their own privacy, but others will argue and say that it will benefit the government because there can be evidence leading to ISIS. Apple decision is probably what is best for the company. Apple wants to stay loyal to its customers and do not want to lose income. People knowing that Apple is able to unlock a phone so easy is where customers lose trust with the company.
In conclusion, both Apple and the Federal Government are stuck between what is morally right. Apple is doing what is best for the company, because if the technology falls into the wrong hands it will bring the company down. I believe the Federal Government must have someone who can find a way to access this phone., because they have the technology already and are looking for a means to protect that secret. They can listen in on anything. In my opinion Apple is not wrong for not wanting to unlock the phone, because they are only protecting the company.
Joseph is a sports management major at the Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, Class of 2019.