Posted by Gregory Scavelli.
Super storm Sandy had a devastating impact on the North-Eastern portion of the United States, areas like Long Island, New Jersey and Connecticut got trashed because of the regions un-preparedness in cases of the storm. To bring in a personal connection, the area that I am from on Long Island got it particularly bad, the Long Beach boardwalk that was a staple of the town since 1914 was completely broken down and destroyed and after that the town went into rebuilding mode. Now Long Beach is for the most part is better than the way it was before the storm. This was happening the other regions as well, the Jersey Shore was another area that got hit particularly badly. It’s been 4 years since the storm, but now that the re-building process is almost complete a lot of problems are steaming from it.
Since the storm New Jersey state prosecutors have filled criminal chargers to 161 cases for over 15 million dollars on account of fraud. More than one third of those cases have been fired this year. An example of an Ocean County motel pleaded guilty to falsely claiming that he had sheltered Sandy victims to get $81,000 in federal funds.
The problem facing many of these corporations is that many of them have no ethical business policies. For example raising the price of gas in the time of a crisis is very unethical because in most of these crisis situations people are low on money and making the pay extra for basic needs is unethical. Also, taking personal benefit in a crisis situation is also unethical, the example I earlier about the motel using falsified records to get reimbursed is just taking a situation in which people are suffering and using it for gain. Which is just a very un-ethical way of doing business.
Gregory is a sports management and marketing major with a minor in legal studies at the Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, Class of 2019.