Posted by Tejas Oza.
Disney has made a change on how they accommodate children with disabilities. First, there was a Guest Assistance Card (GAC) which let the children with disabilities first in line. Now they changed the policy to that children have to wait to a specific time to go on each ride. “I have known many autistic children,” says Arias, “They tend to be excited very easily. When they go to Disney World, it is a major highlight in their lives. You can’t tell an autistic child to come back in an hour – because once they see the ride – they are ready to go. The way their minds are structured they just cannot handle being told to come back later.”(Craig
This causes stress for these children, which is very unjust, but stress is not the only outcome to this situation; other possibilities include, anxiety and meltdown behaviors. Disney disagrees with this and believes that the case has “no merit,” which means that Disney believes there is no proof.
This suit interested me because it included high damages, which we recently went over in class. This case is interesting because not only does it help Disney in financial situations but also in more of a family setting because the amount of kids that goes to the amusement park will rise very fast.
“According to a Centers for Disease Control press release on March 27, 2014, as of 2010, one out of every 68 American children is considered autistic.”( Craig I learned a lot from researching this case.
Tejas is a marketing major at Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University.