SCOTUS Permits Texas Voter ID Law Before November Elections

The Supreme Court issued an order denying an application to vacate the Fifth Circuit’s stay of a district court’s final judgment enjoining the enforcement of a Texas voting statute. The statute requires voters to produce identification before they vote. Business law students learn about injunctions (in this case, the court’s power to stop a party from acting) as …

Obama Promotes Benefits of Trade Deals to Workers and Small Businesses

Posted by Shanice Cooper. On February 15, 2016, in an article by Julie Hirschfield Davis, she details President Obama’s attempts in trying to persuade Congress how important trade is for small business worldwide. The article outlines the importance of small businesses being able to have the global accessibility for trade deals outside of the United States. …

Best Buy Selling Recall Items

Posted by Mariafernanda Ayin. Best Buy is considered one of the biggest electronic selling corporations, but not even the biggest companies can avoid problems. Best Buy has been selling products like TVs, computers, and appliances such as washing machines that have had recalls.  These recalls have been one of the biggest headlines in the past couple …

Courts Decide Spiderman “Web Blaster” Patent Case

Posted by Bailey Obetz. In this article, Stephen Kimble, inventor of a toy that allowed consumers to shoot web-like material from their palms imitating the power of the superhero Spiderman, sued Marvel in 1997 for patent infringement because it was selling a similar item called the “Web Blaster.” In an agreement between Kimbel and Marvel, …

Tesla Attempts to Bypass Dealerships

Posted by Ali Paladino. Recently, on September 1, 2016, the electric car maker Tesla Motors was called out for attempting to sell their vehicles directly to their customers in Missouri. The judge ruled Tesla’s efforts to rule out the middleman, car dealerships, violated state law.  The Missouri Revenue Department “gave the California-based manufacturer a license …

Punitive Damages Archives – Blog Business Law – a resource for business law students

Posted by Deane Franco. In a recent article posted in the Wall Street Journal, I read about General Motors being charged with punitive damages due to a defective part causing multiple deaths. General motors had been in the process of recalling millions of vehicles, when a defective ignition switch caused 100 or so deaths. The …

US Archives – Blog Business Law – a resource for business law students

Posted by Leandro Iglesias. The article “There Should be No Special Deal for Tax-Evading Cameco,” written by Murray Dobin describes Cameco, a Canadian based uranium mining colossus, that is currently facing charges in Federal Court by the Canada Revenue Agency for avoiding $2.2 billion in Canadian income taxes. As the article states, this case has been …

LIA Archives – Blog Business Law – a resource for business law students

Posted by Sydney Kpundeh. A disgruntled New Jersey father has brought products liability design defect and failure-to-warn claims against The New Jersey Port Authority Transit Corporation to recover for injuries arising out of a take-home asbestos exposure. The case’s premise surrounds the father’s daughter, who started to exhibit signs of mesothelioma, which he claims were a …

Courts Decide Spiderman “Web Blaster” Patent Case

Posted by Bailey Obetz. In this article, Stephen Kimble, inventor of a toy that allowed consumers to shoot web-like material from their palms imitating the power of the superhero Spiderman, sued Marvel in 1997 for patent infringement because it was selling a similar item called the “Web Blaster.” In an agreement between Kimbel and Marvel, …

Governor Christie Archives – Blog Business Law – a resource for business law students

Snow shoveling always has been a means for young people to learn how to run a business. They learn how to advertise, interact with customers, work for a competitive wage, and learn something about service to the community. All businesses are at the service of others; and, snow shoveling, like delivering newspapers, or running a lemonade …