VW’s Emissions-Test Trickery May Not Be Illegal in Europe by Danny Hakim and Claire Barthelemy

Posted by Michael de Andrade. Volkswagen, one of the European auto giants, admitted to “installing defeat device software in 11 million cars.” These “defeat device software” lets carmakers to change performance settings of the engines before a pollution test. These software would not only switch the performance settings of an engine but also detect when “they …

Cost of Saving a Life: Analyzing the Recent Raise in EpiPen Cost

Posted by Steven Catudal. How much money should it cost to save someone’s life? Should companies be allowed to create prices on life-saving medications? Over the past few months, there has been more and more cases of pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of their monopoly and increasing prices. The price of an EpiPen, a device used to …

Feliciano School Archives – Blog Business Law – a resource for business law students

Posted Layla Alzahrani. Embezzlement is money stolen by an unethical person. According to the article, 40 percent of small businesses in the United States will be targeted for average loss of $ 140,000,00.00, but embezzlement is only reported two percent of the time. Most of the embezzlers are trusted and long-term employees or family friends, or …

Tesla Attempts to Bypass Dealerships

Posted by Ali Paladino. Recently, on September 1, 2016, the electric car maker Tesla Motors was called out for attempting to sell their vehicles directly to their customers in Missouri. The judge ruled Tesla’s efforts to rule out the middleman, car dealerships, violated state law.  The Missouri Revenue Department “gave the California-based manufacturer a license …

Are Portfolio Managers Losing Sight of What The Future Holds For Financial Planning?

Posted by Justin Ihnken. For many years, especially those who found themselves in an area of economic success, investors who succeeded because they worked with a financial advisor. The roll of the advisor is to assist individuals in asset portfolio management. Investments in both fixed market vehicles, and those driven with equity in the market, have …

SEC Archives – Blog Business Law – a resource for business law students

The regulatory process and its role in the legal system is a fundamental concept in business law. Federal, state and local governments received the authority to regulate activities from Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Article 1 Section 8 also referred to as the Commerce Clause or Necessary and Proper Clause dictates the …

General Motors May Face Punitive Damages Over Ignition Switches

Posted by Jessica Page. General Motors Co. has recently been in the news for its faulty ignition switches in over 2.6 million of the company’s Chevrolet Cobolts and other models that were recalled in 2014. The faulty ignition switches were found to “slip out of the run position and disable features including air bags.” This …