Paid Leave Laws

Posted by Gabriella Davila.

A current news article I read was, “New Illinois law mandates paid leave ‘for any reason.” Illinois will become one of three states that will mandate time off. Illinois will require workers who work certain hours to get time off no matter what the situation is. This law was passed in two other states as well. All states get paid time off but only due to health-related reasons. This law will require businesses to approve time off no matter the situation if they work certain hours required by law. Illinois will require businesses to acquire one hour of paid time off per 40 hours worked. Employees can use these hours up to 90 days (about 3 months) of working.

This law is specifically designed for the lower income people because they cannot miss a day of work. This is designed so they do not have to worry about taking a day off. They are planning to make the state work with families and tourists. They are trying to make a good post-pandemic plan for all the people of Illinois. The pandemic really messed up a lot of families. Many families struggled and got sick and those who are lower class struggled. The goal is to make a plan to help everyone.

This quote caught my eye after going through the pandemic. “Whether it’s to deal with the illness of a family member, or take a step back for your mental health, enshrining paid leave rights is a step forward for our state.” I believe this is a good step forward in the post-pandemic era. Everyone deserves days off for their mental health or family health. Everyone’s mental health should be more important than money.

Gabriella is a business student at the Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, Class of 2025.